Tuesday, May 09, 2006


No, that does not have anything to do with my social life, except that these are likely what's been occupying me otherwise. That and I've for some reason picked up an old cross-stitch project that I never finished when I was in high school. I have some strange desire to see "Girl with Wildflowers" completely done.

Anyway, I'm pasting part of my In My Ears and Eyes segment here, as what I'm reading/listening to/watching has changed some.

The Complete Poems of Emily Dickenson, Ed. Thomas H. Johnson. The Last Battle, C.S. Lewis. Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams. Coming Up for Air, Margaret Becker.

Phil Wickham, Phil Wickham. Add to the Beauty, Less Like Scars, Sara Groves. Seeds. Shane & Shane.

"Walk the Line" - it's my dad's birthday present, but don't tell him I watched it first.
"Millions" - kids with English accents, finding hundreds of thousands of pounds, beautiful cinematography.
Just finished the last of "24" taped by a friend's mother. After three years, I'm still allowing myself to give up nearly an entire a day to watch the beautiful agony of Keiffer Sutherland's narrow escapes. Part of my knows this could be especially dangerous addiction once I actually have cable here in about a month...


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